Social Media for restaurant brand
Bumpkin Restaurants
6th February 2018
Epic Pies
10th August 2020

Brand design and european launch marketing strategy for car-pooling app


b2b branding

Faxi is a car-pooling app service designed to allow colleagues to easily find and share car journeys to and from work.

The whole programme is incentivised by offering parking spaces closer to work as well as the benefits of lower travel costs and the positive impact it can have on the environment. For organisations, the app also provides detailed analysis on the users to be able to monitor and reward them even further.


Our work with Faxi was two fold. Firstly, to work with them to develop a clear proposition and brand style which would help them to sell the service in to organisations around the world. Secondly, to adapt all the assets including posters, website and the app itself, to work effectively with their current partners – which include Toyota, Gatwick Airport and the NHS.