ad-hoc website support, design or development work

Want additional functionality on your website, looking to rework a page design and content, or in need of ongoing support?

Pre-purchase blocks of time to cover changes, additions and enhancements which can be used anytime within a twelve month period. The more hours you pay for upfront, the lower the hourly cost and the greater the value*. Our standard hourly rate is £140 per hour.


10 hours
design or development time
at £130ph


20 hours
design or development time

at £110ph


30 hours
design or development time
at £100ph

*A minimum of 48 hours notice is required before any work can begin. Prices shown exclude VAT and third-party costs for plugins or subscription services where relevant. We will confirm the anticipated time required and any additional charges in advance of carrying out the work. Please contact us if you wish to pay via BACS.

Concerned about potential website downtime, hacks, malware or security issues?

Make sure that your website is protected and up to date by having an active service level agreement in place.
Click here to see our package options.